Our new .gov domain is verification this is an official government website.
The City of Lakewood is committed to protecting online users’ privacy. We believe that protection of personal privacy on the Internet is our responsibility, to assure citizen confidence, increase participation in online activities, and support effective delivery of municipal services. Lakewood Online intends to give users as much control as possible over their personal information.
The purpose of our policy is to inform you about the types of information we gather when you visit our site, how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, the information. The following is the privacy policy for Lakewood Online (all pages starting with www.lakewoodcity.org):
As a governmental agency, we are governed by the California Public Records Act. Any information that we received through use of our site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper. Otherwise, we do not share personal identifying information with any third party without your permission. We disclose only in aggregate form our statistical analyses or demographics of users to third parties. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information, and will not be released to any outside parties unless we are legally required to do so in connection with law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.