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Whether you are planning a residential or commercial project in the City of Lakewood, you can submit your application (and request for a planning review) online easily through Lakewood's new OpenGov portal.
Before you go to the main portal page, you can review the project information below for examples to help you determine which application to use.
You can find instructions for each application when you click the link to the form you need.
This form is for minor home projects, including:
If you are planning one of the projects described above, you are required to confirm when you complete the application form in OpenGov that the City of Lakewood Minimum Residential Design Standards have been incorporated into your plans.
In addition, you are required to include these standards verbatim within your submitted plans.
SPR Application
This form is for minor commercial projects, such as:
SPC Application
Contact the Community Development Department - Planning Division by calling 562-866-9711, extension 2340 prior to filing and discuss the proposed project and submittal requirements with a city planner.
Use this application for review of these residential projects:
MSR application
The Planning Project Review application is for:
PPR application
Use this application for temporary storage containers on private property in all zones for a specified time.
TSC Application
Use this form for a temporary sign or banner on private property in all zones for a specified time.
TBP Application
PDF versions of the project examples and the residential design standards are available for download on this page.
562-866-9771, ext. 2340
Lakewood City Hall
5050 Clark Ave.
Lakewood, CA
Go directly to the main page to view all applications available.
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