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Thank you for considering Lakewood for your business! Lakewood is a business-friendly city and we welcome the opportunity for you to join our family of businesses.
Built as the largest planned community in America in the early 1950s, Lakewood offered affordable homes to thousands of World War II veterans and others eager to enjoy the American Dream in family friendly neighborhoods.
Attracting new business was key to Lakewood’s original success and the city continues that priority today.
The Lakewood CityTV video below provides a great overview of the process to open your new business.
What kind of business do you plan to start? Each guide below provides a checklist of helpful information.
Help with planning and zoning code:
Community Development
562-866-9771 extension 2300
Building code and permits:
Building and Safety
562-866-9771 extension 2350
Business license:
Administrative Services
562-866-9771 extension 2600