A total of nine evening sessions will be held from 5 to 9 p.m., once a month.
The format for each session includes a combination of lectures, panel discussions, and hands-on activities relevant to that session's topic.
Experts on that evening's topic are invited to share their insights and views.
Modules 1 & 2: Getting to know city government
- Orientation and overview of the sessions.
- Introduction of attendees.
- Functions of city government and how government at different levels work.
- Importance of civic engagement in the democratic process.
- Getting to know our city officials.
- Activities and discussion.
Module 3: Achieving work/life balance (quality of life)
- Address burnout & how it can affect work/life balance.
- How to create an effective schedule that manages work & life.
- How to establish boundaries between work and personal life.
- Activities to do outside of work.
- Activities and discussion.
Module 4: Developing leadership skills
- Different types of leadership styles.
- What leadership style best fits you, your business and employees?
- How to manage leadership responsibilities (employees, stakeholders, clients, etc.).
- How to create future leaders in the workplace.
- How leaders can reward their employees for a better work environment.
- How leaders can control overall culture within the organization.
- Activities and discussion.
Module 5: Leadership & Ethical Decision Making
- Democracy of ethical leadership
- Different types of communication styles.
- Listening as a key factor in communication.
- Communicating/listening with a specific audience (employees, stakeholders, clients, etc.).
- Benefits of effective communication and listening.
- How to respond to different situations through communicating/listening.
- Activities and discussion.
Module 7: Team Building and Team Communication
- Quality of communication within a team
- Discuss strategies for building a more cohesive team through mutual respect and communication
- Identify organizational cultures and behaviors that hinder our ability to maintain a cohesive work environment
- Identifying blind spots of communication
- Define how individual perceptions and perspectives impact the process of team objectives
- The filtering process of information
- Identifying a process a team follows to achieve goals and task
Module 8: Lakewood Center Mall -- Behind the Scenes Tour
- Take a field trip to the Lakewood Center Mall.
- Meet mall official and take a behind-the-scenes tour.
- Learn the inner workings of the mall and all that goes in to making it run.
Module 9: Summary
- Bringing together how all successful leaders use the tools and resources explored and discussed in the program.