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In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the City of Lakewood will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities.
The City Clerk's duties include city council agendas, public records act requests, local elections, legal noticing and city records management.
At their June 11, 2024 meeting, Lakewood City Council Members approved a two-year city budget that runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026.
Lakewood's budget, comprehensive financial reports, enterprise systems, salary data, and building and zoning code information can be found here.
Lakewood is a general law city. The five city council members are elected for overlapping four-year terms.
Get information on how to register to vote and learn about upcoming elections. The Lakewood City Council consists of five members elected to serve a four-year term.
Learn about the City of Lakewood's Commissions, Board and Committees.
Lakewood City Council Member information, and links to the council meeting calendar, agendas and minutes.
Current job openings with the City of Lakewood, as well as salary information for part-time and full-time employees.
The City Manager's Office coordinates a very active legislative program focused on protecting the interests of our community and identifying resources available to enhance City series and programs.
Learn more about the current projects funded by sales tax revenue provided by Measure L.
The City of Lakewood is developing its first Parks, Recreation and Community Services Long-Range Plan to guide and prioritize our investment in parks, facilities, programming and services for the next 10 years.
REDI stands for race, equity, diversity and inclusion. The Lakewood City Council approved the creation of a Lakewood community-wide dialogue and action plan.
Lakewood residents and community leaders gather at The Centre in Lakewood early each year to view the annual report video and hear remarks from the mayor and the Lakewood team on public safety and community improvements.
Information on COVID-19 pertinent to Lakewood residents, including public health updates from Los Angeles County.
The City of Lakewood is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, its service on the basis of race, color or national origin as provided under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. In addition to Title VI, the City also prohibits discrimination based on sex, age, disability, religion, medical condition, marital status or sexual orientation
The City of Lakewood's Vision, Mission and Values Statements and Strategic Initiatives, created with the assistance of employee stakeholder committee and review by city commissions and residents on the Measure L committee.