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The Recreation and Community Services Commission studies issues related to Lakewood’s recreational programs and social services.
The commission meets on the second Wednesday of the month in the City Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public. To confirm the time of the meeting, contact the Commission Secretary at 562-866-9771, extension 2401.
This is one of three commissions on which Lakewood residents serve. Each commission is composed of five members appointed by the city council to a two-year term.
Photo: Top row, from left: Veronica Lucio (Chair) and Anitza Valles (Vice Chair). Bottom row, from left: Dave Allen, Kristie Carol Larison and Ted Spaseff.
Compensation for each commission member is $50 per meeting. No person shall serve on more than one commission at the same time. A member of a commission may not hold any other city office or position for which compensation is paid.
Current Recreation & Community Services Commission Meeting Agenda(PDF, 66KB)