Contact Public Safety The Public Safety Department coordinates and directs all public safety services for the City of Lakewood, CA.
Sign up for E-Watch E-watch is Public Safety's free monthly email newsletter with current crime trends, crime statistics for Lakewood neighborhoods and invitations to Public Safety events.
Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Rebates Lakewood residents may apply for a theft-prevention rebate to protect the catalytic converter on their vehicle for up to two vehicles. See details and application.
Home Security System Rebate Program Lakewood is offering residents an opportunity to receive rebates for purchasing and installing security camera devices and/or starting a new twelve-month contract for a home alarm system. See details and application.
Crime Prevention Be informed of scams and learn how to protect your family and property with these resources. If you see something, say something!
Neighborhood Watch Neighborhood Watch is a program designed to help neighbors join together to prevent crime around your neighborhood.
Illegal fireworks--how to report their use Here's what to do if you see or hear illegal fireworks in use, or know of an address where they are repeatedly being used.
Public Safety Events Lakewood's Public Safety department hosts a number of events, from casual coffee meetings, to community sessions, to large public events.
Share your insights on local hazards Lakewood residents are invited to a community meeting to be held in the Executive Board Room at The Centre, 5000 Clark Ave., at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 24 to provide feedback for Lakewood’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).
CERT Basic Training course Lakewood residents wanting advanced disaster-prep training should join FEMA-certified instructors and L.A. County Fire Department personnel for the "Basic CERT" training set for Jan. 10-12, 2025.
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month December is recognized as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month due to the dangers of driving under the influence. Here are some tips to help celebrate safely during the holiday season.
Home security and theft prevention rebates Lakewood residents are invited to apply for up to five rebates to help protect their home and property through purchasing and installing a home security system and/or equipment to protect their vehicles’ catalytic converters from theft.
Back to school safety tips As Lakewood schools welcome students back to the classroom for the new school year in August, it’s important for parents to spend time and review a safe route for getting their children to school. Drivers and bicyclists should also review these tips for safety near busy schools as well.