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You can add to your vacation peace of mind by taking steps to ensure your home is secure when you are traveling.
The Lakewood Sheriff’s Station offers a free “vacation check" program. The program involves Lakewood Sheriff’s Volunteers on Patrol (VOP’s) monitoring your house while you are away.
You should request a vacation check at least a week before your trip. You can either:
Be sure to provide details to help the patrols know if something is amiss. Specific details, such as how many cars should be in your driveway, which lights should be on, etc. are helpful.
Take steps to make your home look “lived in” while you're away.
Lakewood Sheriff Station
Call 562-623-3500 to schedule a vacation check.
Or, complete the request form below and email it to LakewoodVacationChecks@lasd.org.
Public Safety Dept.
Call 562-866-9771, ext. 2114