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Enjoy an evening of free family fun and movie entertainment under the stars!
Movies are shown under the stars at Monte Verde Park.
Guests can bring chairs and a picnic.
Check-in begins at 7 p.m. with the movie starting at 8 p.m. Sorry, no pets or alcohol allowed.
All current L.A. County Public Health protocols will be followed.
Check the seasonal offerings as part of the Play at Palms event series.
Drive-in movies are offered on occasion in the parking lot at Lakewood Center.
Pack the kids in the car, bring some snacks and blankets, and enjoy a family movie at the drive-in.
Browse the interactive catalog to see if the event is offered this season.
If available, just click on the activity number there to take you directly to the registration page to sign up.
Go to interactive catalog
Call Recreation & Community Services
Extension 2408
Monte Verde Park
4626 Shadeway Road