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Bolivar Park is located at 3300 Del Amo Boulevard, on the corner of Del Amo Blvd. and Downey Ave., and includes McCormick Pool.
McCormick Pool
Visit the McCormick Pool page for details.
Bolivar Park Profile Video
3300 Del Amo Blvd, Lakewood CA 90712 View Map
3300 Del Amo Blvd , Lakewood CA 90712
Community Room Lakewood Residents: $20 per hour Non-residents: $36 per hour Deposit: $250 Processing Fee: $20
Athletic Fields Non-lighted (1) Lakewood Residents: $20 per hour Non-residents: $35 per hour
Athletic Fields Lighted (1) Lakewood Residents: $35 per hour Non-residents: $50 per hour
Capacity: 40 persons