Reserve a facility

Mayfair Park building, Lakewood, CA

Reserve a room or park facility for your event

Lakewood has ten major parks for family activities, after-school programs, organized sports leagues, community gatherings, and recreation classes.

It's easy to request Lakewood’s community centers and park facilities for private use. 

Individuals and organizations for nonprofit recreational purposes can reserve a facility.

Priority is given to Lakewood residents on a first-come, first-served basis. 

How to reserve a facility

1. Carefully read the complete Rules & Regulations documents for either a recreation facility(PDF, 361KB)  or the use of a swimming pool(PDF, 281KB) .

2. Visit the Recreation and Community Services counter at City Hall to complete the paperwork. 

3. Reservations can be made no earlier than six months in advance, and no later than seven business days in advance. 

4. If there are multiple parties interested in a specific date, an online raffle will be held. See the links under "Related Information" on this page for the raffle schedule and complete the online raffle form.

Permits, payments and liability insurance

Who can reserve a facility?

Individuals: 21 years of age or older

Organizations for nonprofit recreational purposes: Representatives authorized to sign the reservation agreement.

When is payment due?

All fees, deposits and liability insurance certificates must be provided one month prior to the event reservation date.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payments will only be accepted from the permit holder. The check or credit card used must have the permit holder's name on the form of payment. 

For reservation requests made less than 30 days prior to the rental date, full payment will be due and must be paid by cash, money order or credit card for all balances.

Do I need liability insurance?

General liability insurance is required for all facility rentals. Coverage must be in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. 

Certificate of insurance must be provided at least 30 days prior to the event.