Commercial and Retail Information

Lakewood Center entrance with adult and kids walking out

Looking to relocate your business to Lakewood, California, or start a new one?

We are a business-friendly city and are ready to help.

Learn more about Lakewood's commercial and retail shopping centers below.

Demographic information, available real estate, economic forecasts and more can be found at the sites of the economic development organizations featured on this page.

Resources for businesses interested in Lakewood

Traffic Counts

View the current report for the City of Lakewood:

Traffic Counts

LoopNet links of properties: For Lease and For Sale

Gateways Cities Council of Governments (COG)

Located in southeast Los Angeles County, the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (Gateway Cities COG) region covers about 203 square miles and is home to approximately 2 million hardworking residents, representing about 21% of the total population of Los Angeles County.

Comprised of 27 cities, and 9 unincorporated communities, the Gateway Cities COG has been actively involved in major initiatives regarding a variety of issues, including economic development and transportation planning programs.

Find demographic and other data on the Gateway Cities region

Search for the right building, lot or retail space for your business in Lakewood. This tool will help you view available properties, get dynamic property and business reports, conduct a demographic analysis of the region, create and print maps tailored to your needs, and more.

L.A. County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)

The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) was founded in 1981 as a nonprofit, public-benefit organization to harness the power of private sector in collaboration with L.A. County, to guide economic development and create more widely shared prosperity. 

Check the LACEDC economic forecast page.

The Institute for Applied Economics at the LAEDC conducts research and analysis, offering reports on topics such as economic impact reports, workforce development and industry cluster and sector-based research. 

Check the IAE page for a sampling of reports.

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

SCAG is the nation’s largest metropolitan planning organization, representing six counties, 191 cities and more than 19 million residents.

SCAG undertakes a variety of planning and policy initiatives to encourage a more sustainable Southern California.

Check SCAG's Economy & Finance page

Search for economic profiles by county of local communities, including Lakewood