By-district council elections
Council district election map finalized
In 2022, Lakewood converted from the traditional system, where all five council members are elected at-large by the whole city, to a new district system where each council member is elected by the residents of one of five districts in the city for a four-year term.
Residents in newly created Districts 1, 2 and 5 elected council members in the June 7, 2022 election. In March 2024, voters in Districts 3 and 4 elected council members. Council terms are for four years.
Adopted map and election sequence(PDF, 2MB)
Adopted map with street-level detail(PDF, 15MB)
What converting to a district election system means
- While Lakewood City Council Members are now elected by residents of a particular area or district of the city, they will continue to represent the entire city. Indeed, at the Nov. 16, 2021 meeting, council members stressed that point, and emphasized that they will govern in a way that considers the needs of the entire community and continues to maintain Lakewood’s reputation for being a well-run city with a high standard of service for all residents.
- In general, council members represent people and not geography. To the extent that needs and concerns of residents transcend district boundaries, concerns can be brought to the attention of any council member, including the council member representing the district where the resident resides or the council member representing the district where the concern arises.
- Transitioning to district elections does not mean that Lakewood’s budget, tax revenues and expenditures will be divided up in five ways to match the number of districts in the city. There will continue to be one unified budget for the city that addresses the needs of the community irrespective of districts.
- Revenue generated within any particular district will still be general revenue to be used as needed throughout the city (e.g., revenue generated from Lakewood Center mall will not be limited to use within the district where the mall is located).
On Nov. 16, 2021, the Lakewood City Council held a public hearing and made a final decision on a map and election sequence for the five council districts that took effect in two stages over the course of the 2022 and 2024 Lakewood municipal elections.
The change is being made under the requirements of a state law, the California Voting Rights Act, which is leading to hundreds of small and mid-sized cities and school districts having to make this same transition to district elections. In the past, the district system was used primarily in large cities.
How the new election district process worked
To define the new election districts, the City Council undertook a district formation mapping process, led by a demographer and legal team to ensure that the maps meet all legal and regulatory criteria.
The information below explains the process undertaken and how the public was invited to participate:
Timeline: Conversion to Elections by District
January 12, 2021: Adoption of Resolution of Intention; entry into Tolling Agreement.
February and March, 2021: Public outreach regarding process.
April 13, 2021: First Public Hearing.
April 27, 2021: Second Public Hearing
After receipt of 2020 Census data: Preparation and posting of draft Maps and potential sequence of Council elections.
October 19, 2021: Publication of modified draft Maps and proposed election sequence.
October 26, 2021: Third Public Hearing (regarding draft maps).
November 9, 2021: Fourth Public Hearing; Map selection; Introduction of Ordinance and accompanying Resolution establishing district boundaries and election sequence.
November 16, 2021: Adoption of Ordinance and accompanying Resolution
View the recording of the April 13 hearing.
View the recording of the April 27 hearing.
Video archive of City Council meetings for recordings of the Oct. 26, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16 hearings.
For more information, call the Lakewood City Clerk, 562-866-9771, extension 2200.
By-District Election Documents
Additional-proposed-sequence.pdf(PDF, 179KB)
Agenda Report 01-12-2021(PDF, 1MB)
Agenda Report 04-13-2021(PDF, 49KB)
Agenda Report 04-27-2021(PDF, 138KB)
Adopted District Map NDC-104 11_16_2021_W.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Excerpt-pp-5-15_26-October-2021-CC-Agenda-packet.pdf(PDF, 14MB)
Lakewood Public Hearing 1(PDF, 4MB)
Lakewood Public Hearing 2(PDF, 4MB)
Notice-of-public-hearings-Oct26-Nov9-Nov16-2021.pdf(PDF, 23KB)
Proposed-Election-Sequence-20211102-v2.pdf(PDF, 24KB)
Resolution 2021-12(PDF, 49KB)
Resolution 2021-2(PDF, 102KB)
Spanish-Ad-2.pdf(PDF, 59KB)
Written comments 04-27-2021(PDF, 14KB)
All Draft Maps - NDC and Public
Interactive mapping tool with links to draft maps
NDC-102.pdf(PDF, 540KB)
NDC-102b.pdf(PDF, 706KB)
NDC-102c.pdf(PDF, 221KB)
NDC-103.pdf(PDF, 584KB)
NDC-103b.pdf(PDF, 770KB)
NDC-103c.pdf(PDF, 273KB)
NDC-104b.pdf(PDF, 707KB)
NDC-104c.pdf(PDF, 431KB)
Public-101.pdf(PDF, 539KB)
(PDF, 539KB)Public-101b.pdf(PDF, 510KB)
Public-102.pdf(PDF, 714KB)
Public-103-corrected.pdf(PDF, 761KB)